Lo Naco, Lo Fresa

‘Lo Naco y lo Fresa’ are two Latin American Spanish words, particularly used in Mexico. They describe a dichotomy or the traces of its colonial legacy. Deeply rooted in classism and racism, two widely recognised cultural stereotypes in Mexico.

Inspired by stereotypical figures, illustrating them through various media. I made an altar-installation of these two characters, achieving how these two words are structuring Mexican cultural, physical and digital social subconscious. I decided to make them saints habitating in their own religious altar. Religion can play a strong part in the construction of identity, belief in an upper energy that gives sense to our existence and holds ourselves into this world, reason why, I titled them ‘San Naco, Santa Fresa’ because they are stigmas/concepts that have been devotional reshaped. The use of an altar also signifies a sense of hierarchy, echoing the themes of social status and class. 

This project was funded by Developing Your Creative Practice by the Arts Council England. I had the opportunity to develop this project at La Meridiana International School of Ceramic in Tuscany, Certaldo (Italy) and Guldagergaard International Ceramic Research Center, Skælskør (Denmark).


San Naco

63 cm x 18.5 cm x 18.5 cm

(The) Naco, or as I titled it "San Naco'', is holding a corn, a basic ingredient in the Mexican cuisine; a rosary, representing the syncretism with polytheist and Catholic religion; and a skull, that is part of our stereotypical festivities in the world call the Mexican Day of the Dead and our peculiar way to deal with it. He is wearing fake brand shoes and trousers that approach to what it could be considered kitsch or bad taste for the upper classes.


Santa Fresa

70 cm x 22 cm x 19 cm

(La) Fresa, or as I titled it "Santa Fresa", is wearing designer clothes in a relaxed almost indifferent posture that doesn't observe the audience. She is holding a coffee and a note or a piece of paper that represents privilege to obtain any good, travel or even education. I created a clean and polished atmosphere, almost clinical, because I feel distant from the style of life of a Fresa.

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